Posted 14 years ago
(977 items)
This was the first airplane trench art that I ever bought. I bought it almost 20 years ago.
It is the smallest P-38 that I have ever seen 2 1/2" from tail to tip of fuselage and a 3 1/4" wingspan. Its' size is more typical of my WW1 era planes.
The base is a 1942, 40mm naval shell.
The wings were cut from aircraft plexiglass and are 6 1/2".
The plane is held to the base with a nail and despite its somewhat crude appearance it is the original.
where do you get these sweet things?
I have been buying for years, so they come from a lot of different places (antique malls, military shows, online [mostly ebay], and militaria dealers).
I bought this (and a couple others) through an ad in Shotgun News from a collector in NC. It was during the days of phone descriptions. I was in preparation for deployment for Desert Shield/ Storm and had them shipped to my parents and had to wait about 8- 9 months to actually see them.
It was worth the wait. All of them were top quality.
I agree you have an excellent Collection!
Thanks Shawn.
Thanks knivesnsuch.
Thanks again Finelines!
Thanks official.
Thanks Mich and kerry.
Thanks for looking walksoftly.
Thanks for looking bellin and petey!
Thanks for looking derf-- I have many more trench art planes and other unusual objects posted. Be sure to take a look if you like trench art.
Thanks again tom.
Thanks jackart.
Thanks for looking p...!
Thanks tom and jewels!
Thanks for looking rustfarm and nice!
Thanks again bucket.
Thanks for looking dlpetersen!
Thanks for looking gatekeeper.