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Large Terra cotta Art Deco Figural Sculpture, Signed

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ho2cultcha's loves1920 of 22772Ca. 1935 wood sculpture, 'Mexican Family', by Justin Lockwood (1920-1979)ABSTRACT STONEWARE SCULPTURE
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (96 items)

    I bought this about 25 years ago at an estate sale. It is an absolutely incredible vintage Art Deco terra cotta figural sculpture of a young woman seated in restful meditation with a garland of flowers draped over her lap. It measures is 16" high and rests on a 10 1/2" X 6 1/2" X 2 1/4" rectangular base. It has an incised signature of E. NIKOLSKY.

    The only thing I have been able to find for E. Nikolsky are multiple Modernist Dog Sculpture Bookends and a couple of ceramic crackle glazed figural pieces that were made by the Havra Company, or C. H., France but signed by E. Nikolsky. The signature looks very similar on all the pieces that I have been able to find. No information on the artist and nothing really on ceramics or Terra-cotta pieces. Again, all help in identifying this is most greatly appreciated.

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    1. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 8 years ago
      BB2 was here
    2. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 8 years ago
      That is considered a small sculpture. The artist is not mentioned in the Ency. of Bronzes, nor in the Dict. of Sculptors, nor in other bronze books that I have. Most artists like this one, nothing is known about, unfortunately there are hundreds from France alone with no way to trace even a birth date.
    3. Rogueroman Rogueroman, 8 years ago
      PhilDMorris, thank you so much for your reply. It's sad that so much talent passes thru history unacknowledged, lost and sometimes forgotten. I so appreciate your feedback. Thanks again.
    4. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 8 years ago
      Another beautiful lady!

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