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my,Royal coffee set

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China and Dinnerware1796 of 6044Rosenthal Bjorn Wiinblad plateWhite Stoneware Creamer/Sugar with Wing Shaped Handles
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1 item)

    Got this about fifteen years ago at a Antique store, I this is is very old but in excel ant condition, it is so Beautiful, six piece setting wit the creamer and shugar, think it is a chocolate set . I have not been able to find it on line any were.

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    1. Wandlessfairy Wandlessfairy, 8 years ago
      This is a really stunning set. Beautiful.
    2. Gillian, 8 years ago
      This is indeed, a stunning set. To find out more information it's necessary to see what's written, or stamped on the underneath of a piece or two of the set.

      Please could you post a couple of photos that clearly show any marks. Many thanks.

      I believe your correct in it being a chocolate set - but it could also be a coffee set. I really like the gold geometric patterns that criss-cross the pieces. These might indicate a newer piece - but so difficult to tell. It looks like a rambling rose growing on a trellis, as none of the lines are in front of the flowers.
    3. cindy5618, 8 years ago
      Have not been able to find a mother one like it, I posted more pics, Royal fine Porcelain, with a circle around it.
    4. Gillian, 8 years ago
      You're allowed four pictures, you can go back to your original post and edit it to add more pictures. Making a separate category is rather confusing.
    5. Gillian, 8 years ago
      I can't find more pics you say you posted?

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