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Maxfield Parrish Print That I Can't Identify

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Maxfield Parrish41 of 46Maxfield Parrish, Original Frame, 1920ish  Curtis Publishing Co.Art Deco Ladies and Maxfield Parrish
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    Hmmm....acquired this recently. The tree is the same tree that is in "Dreaming" but is without the person resting on the trunk. Also, the same tree as in Parrish's "October Dreaming" which is just an unfinished newer rendition of "Dreaming". This print measures about 13" x 16", and is signed lower left. It was framed in San Antonio, Texas and the label has a 5 digit phone number. My mother was raised in San Antonio and says that she had a five digit phone number in the early 40's and that her Dad had one in the 30's. I've looked & looked on the internet and can't find this subject matter. Any ideas? Thank you...

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    1. rocker-sd rocker-sd, 14 years ago
      This is a 1952 Brown and Bigelow Landscape Calendar, titled " An Ancient Tree"
    2. doctordan, 14 years ago
      Excellent rocker-sd. Thank you so very much!!

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