Posted 8 years ago
(937 items)
We got this early Gulf Dealer sign from a Collector in Omaha last year and finally stood it up today while the sun was shining. It's not perfect by any means but looks great in the line of signs along the East fence line at aaaLakeside Storage in Provo Ut. and is part of the Free Museum. We're getting closer to our goal of 100 signs on poles every day! After today we just need to stand another 9 signs and we will make the goal! My wife asks: "will you finally quit hunting then"? The answer is a softly spoken "not likely as there are always a few more that we don't have". Keep on hunting!
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it
My boss has this sign and wont sell it to me :(
Hmmmm? What is he doing with it? Can u trade for it? Gotta b a way to get it if u really want it.
Far lady
Thx for the love it
Sorry Farmlady
Rattletrap, he wont let it go because when his dad started this scrap yard in the 50's they didn't keep much, just scraped it all and when he thinks back to all that stuff it makes him groan so now he keeps anything like that sign.
Suggest u try Garry Phillips for Bulf as he has some extras.
Suggest u try Garry Phillips for Gulf. He might help u.
Thx for the love it