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Chalet Art Glass Amber 2 tone, Centrepiece 4 Arm Curled Bowl, Circa 1950-60

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (915 items)

    Hello Followers, Visitors, Members and Friends from Collectors Weekly, 6-03-2017, 11:30 PM
    I found this nice dual Amber colours 4 arm centre piece at my local thrift shop last Wednesday, was just there waiting for me.
    By looking the base of this piece and compare with my others Chalet Canada Art glass with label and Etching, to reinforce my attribution.

    This centre piece stand at 12.25 inch tall, 10 inch wide.

    Many Thanks Everyone for Viewing.

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    1. racer4four racer4four, 8 years ago
      Chalet always amazes me....outrageous hot working! It's great Alan.
    2. Virginia.vintage Virginia.vintage, 8 years ago
      Hello Alan,
      Such an adorable piece, shape, color and shadows.
      Its alive!

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