Posted 8 years ago
(436 items)
My last (more recent, lol!) buy...
Unsigned and unmarked, but in Thomas L Mott spirit, this critter is rather big!
Wingspan is 6 cm.
Diagonal is 8 cm.
Some moisture damage to the wings, but colour is still vibrant!
Last pic is how I intend to wear it, on a cheap Chinese freshwater grey pearls very long string.
A lovely Victorian brooch!
Bonnie, yep! It is an early butterfly wings one, thank you :-)
Ken, many thanks for these words! The phone photo editor works great for rendering the actual colors :-))
Lot of thanks for your lovely visit, Thomas, Mike, Zilla and Lisa!
Beautiful Kyra !!~
It's a piece of art !!!
Wow Pascale, just beautiful!!!
I like how understated the brooch is, despite its size. Maybe it's really a moth......
the are under rated I think!
Wow, what a fantastic dragonfly brooch, Pascale!!! Looks just like the one in your avatar. Beautiful construction, love those wings. Looks good with the pearls, too. :)
What a beauty! Everything is so perfect about it. I actually love the moisture damage on the wings, it gives it additional texture and pattern. Fab!
Phil and Enameled_Beetle, thanks for your beautiful comment and love!
Martika, Judy, I falled in love with it at first sight! Thank you ladies :-))
Karen, it is both stylized and full of movement, looking like a giant may fly! Thank you for your love, visit and appreciation! :-)
Katherine, a joy to see you! Yes dragonflies may become my new totem ;-)) Thank you for your lovely visit my friend!
Bijou, so true, the brown flecks complement the iridescence very well, and I love the aged appearance. Thank you for loving the beast!!!
Many thanks for your loves, Sean, Aura, Vetraio, Alan, Caperkid, Paul and Ho2cultcha !
Just lovely ... And I bet your going to make it just like new.. '-)
Gary, he is as lovely as you are :-D
I won't kyratize him, he has his age and wear it well (as us, lol!) ;-)))
Thank you, friend!
Very beautiful!!
Vintagelamp, a very late thanks for your lovely visit and comment, I must visit Green Lady, and love her again!
Elisabethan, many thanks for your highly appreciated visit and kind comment :-D
JImam, Radegunder, Wpj, Hunter, Gary, Sean, Davyd, Melanie and Mrstyndall thank you, and love back to you all from the Bzz Bzz!
Hi David! No marks on the C clasp...
British usually don't mark on the closure as French does :-)
Merci de ta visite!
Oh BOY!! My grandma called dragonflies, "sewing needles" that was a popular name for them in the 1800s!!. Now all 12 of my grandkids call them "sewing needles" when we see them at the park--tradition marches on!!
Lois! That name is so convenient for these critters :-)
Thank you for your visit, cute comment and love!
Elisabethan and Wandlessfairy, many thanks for your loves :-D
Thanks for your kind visit and love click, PCC and Vintagelamp :-)