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    Posted 14 years ago

    (107 items)

    I usually don't buy many signs as i like to find them however finding signs stamped American art works coshocton, OH is rather hard even living in Coshocton. So I have decided to take my collection in one specific way which is only keeping the American art works signs.

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    1. chevy59 chevy59, 14 years ago
      Good idea, this is an awesome sign that is embossed, these signs will only go up in value!
    2. cocacolakid97, 14 years ago
      Too bad I live in Lansing, all were known nationaly for Oldsmobile and lots of other car companies. It's cool that you live in a place that made TONS of advertising signs.
    3. oilman514 oilman514, 14 years ago
      Thank you!!! ttomtucker, vintagemad, chevy59, Caleb20, rocker-sd, AR8Jason, officialfuel, stonesfan1

      Cocacolakid whats not to love about Oldsmobile? lol. That means you should be able to find plenty of car signs:)
    4. atakaki atakaki, 14 years ago
      your collection is impressive.
    5. pepsiguy49 pepsiguy49, 14 years ago
      Hi Oilman, Sure does me a lot of good to see what you're doing with your collection.I've seen your oil collection and other signs and you're getting a very good start for one as young as you. Just posted an old Pepsi Cola sign from Coshocton. I know American Art Works made some of the earliest signs, I have another I will put on too. Steve
    6. oilman514 oilman514, 14 years ago
      Thank you, bossy,atakaki,MMM!!!

      And thank you for your comment pepsiguy. I checked out that sign and it is awesome!! Very early example of the fine craftsmanship of American art works. Cant wait to see the other sign.
    7. cocacolakid97, 14 years ago
      You'd think, but not really. All the local Old lansing dumps are filled with old car parts, but aren't very useful because they're really rusted, they're was an old porcelain ford sign at a local dump, but when I came back to pick it up, someone already took it. It was in rwally bad shape though.
    8. Signaholic Signaholic, 13 years ago
      That's a great oldie there oilman!

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