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Non-Singer Sewing Machines423 of 459old sewing machineLittle London
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    I found this at a garage sale and have not been able to find anything about it other than it was manufactured by the Flint Tool & Manufacturing co. in Holly Michigan. I s anyone familiar with this machine or the company. So far I can't find anything.

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    1. Nancy Salisbury, 14 years ago
      That is one very unusual sewing machine . I have never seen one like it before . Sorry but I do not know a thing about that type of machine . What type of bobbin does it take ? Is it round or long ? Or does it even take a bobbin ? Very interesting to say the least .
    2. Sorter30, 14 years ago
      Thanks Nancy for responding. I added a couple of pictures of where the bobbin would go and I don't think there is a bobbin. I don't know much about sewing machines and bought this because it was so unusual so I'm not sure it that piece showing is a bobbin or not. I don't think so. There is an uncovered hole at the bottom for access. Thanks again.
    3. Nancy Salisbury, 14 years ago
      It does not appear to have a bobbin or hook assembly . I do not know for sure but it could be what is called a chain stich machine . That means that if you pull the right thread that it will unravel easily . Does it sew ?
    4. Sorter30, 14 years ago
      Yes, it does sew. I tested it before I bought it, but now it doesn't seem to be getting power. The cord was redone at one time and I think it probably needs to be replaced again.

      I actually found a brocure for it on line. It was made by the Erie Products in Detroit, Mi. They were in business from 1930 to 1959. I just typed in Erie Products Co. and found a Smithsonian site for old sewing machine brochures.

      So far I haven't been able to find anything else on the Co., or this machine. Thank you so much for your input. I'll keep looking. It's very interesting.

    5. DetroitD, 13 years ago
      Just purchased a Sewmatic myself at an auction. I live here in Michigan. The auctioneer said that it was a very rare sew machine. Do not know much, but will inquire in the neighborhood. :)))

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