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Loetz Art Glass771 of 2298LOETZ Astglas Astartig, Circa 1899ART DECO LOETZ CANDIA PAPILLON “TABLE TOP LIGHTER” CIRCA 1930
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (915 items)

    Hello Followers, Visitors, Members and Friends from Collectors Weekly, 26-03-2017, 8:00 PM

    It’s being quite a journey since I start this incredible quest on collecting Bohemian Art glass, very ruff start as everyone, buying glass believing it was LOETZ, I’ve gone from disappointed to disappointed again, and again, when finally I got it….
    It’s not really an easy domain of collecting, there so many maker out there, you lost in translation many time.

    Here is I small part of my collection, LOETZ Candia ground with Gold and light Blue Papillon.

    On the back ground my biggest LOETZ yet, Candia Octopus Décor(pic2), on the left side a Ewer( Pitcher Jug.c1900) with rigare.

    On the(Pic3-4) a nice Pedestal Compote with the oval mark(1915) in the middle and on the left in the front line, my really first LOETZ Squad pinched(1899) and last but not least, my last acquisition an Art deco Table top lighter.

    The journey is not over yet, I just start to have fun, LOL

    Many thanks Everyone for Viewing.

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 8 years ago
    2. MALKEY MALKEY, 8 years ago
      The display pure magic super achievement Alan !!!!!!!!
    3. racer4four racer4four, 8 years ago
      Sublime, Alan.
    4. Alan2310 Alan2310, 8 years ago
      THANK YOU, Kevin, If you say so, LOL
      And the best of all I see them all day, every day, LMAO.
      I still have few more on there way, i am impatient to show you......
      As alway, many thanks for your comment and the love too, much appreciated your constant support.

    5. Alan2310 Alan2310, 8 years ago
      THANK YOU, czechglass5, for the compliment, i am coming from far, study a little on that, slowly but surely, i am getting there.
      Little train go far, like they say, starting by one, and suddenly land with many, and they keep coming.
      Many thanks for the lovely comment and the love too, always very appreciated your input, your support is a blessing.

    6. Alan2310 Alan2310, 8 years ago
      THANK YOU, nutsabotas6, it's a great pleasure to see that you enjoy, mission accomplish, thank you for the lovely comment and the love too, much appreciated that you take some time to stop by, also thank you for the constant support.

    7. Alan2310 Alan2310, 8 years ago
      THANK YOU, MALKEY, I think we can say so, at least for the Candia papillon decor, still long way to go, but the good thing, i really start to be ecstatic with every find, more to come my friend.
      Many thanks for this always very kind comment and the love too, really appreciated your frequent visit.

    8. Alan2310 Alan2310, 8 years ago
      THANK YOU, Karen, Yeah, sublime i think it is the right word for the picture, but i have to say, i am just disappointed to start so late this collection, i should add start in my good old day's when i was a picker at 20 years old, humm :-(
      Many thanks for the comment and the love, thank you to be so supportive on my post, much appreciated.

    9. Alan2310 Alan2310, 8 years ago
      THANK YOU, Lamplover78, charcoal, SEAN, colori, LovelyPat, famatta127, Ivonne, inky, Glassie, VioletOrange, LoetzBuddies, robin56, MALKEY, Vladimir, aura, nutsabotas6, Manikin, czechglass5, mike, Peggy, Kevin, fortapache, TimeTraveller, swfinluv1, bratjdd, IronLace, Mrstyndall, many thanks to all of you for the love, much appreciated that you take some time to stop by, your support is a blessing.

    10. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 8 years ago
      Oh Alan, how did I miss this post? It is wonderful to see all of these amazing pieces together. I am so glad your journey isn't over yet! :)
    11. Alan2310 Alan2310, 8 years ago
      THANK YOU, Michelle, sorry from me as well to miss your comment, well, you have a part on this journey, without you and some others still on CW, i will never reach where i am I right now.....I am not so sure anymore, it's become boring ;-(, Ha ha I just joking ;-D
      THANK YOU, Sammyz, very much appreciated that you stop by, i know you love very nice glass, i am more than happy that you love that migrating grouping of Papillon.


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