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Bed Steps

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (2 items)

    Vintage bed steps , I think . I am not really sure . I picked up at a flea market for $80.00 . The seller told me that he new nothing about them except he picked up at an estate sale . The piece is solid wood with red leather like inlays on the steps . There are 2 doors that open on the 2 top steps only . There are no markings anywhere on the piece . Hoping maybe someone could tell me exactly what I have . Thank you.

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    1. antiquerose antiquerose, 8 years ago
      wow, never seen anything like that before....Must be a Tall bed !!

      To me, seems strange no wear where feet would be.....Wonder if just a Unique piece of furniture? as maybe the seller was not sure. Just throwing that out there as many times sellers do not know either -- Just a thought ...??
    2. Luellalou, 8 years ago
      Thank you for the welcomes , and your input . I just wanted to add that a person at the flea market thought it was used in the circus . I have looked high and low but have not found any info on this piece .
    3. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 8 years ago
      I am going to poo on the party again with my 2 cents. I can't believe this was built to be used as steps or stairs. The reason I say that is because of the craftsmanship shown in this item. Every since 1675 craftsmen have conformed to a tread to riser ratio. While you didn't give dimensions the ratio is quite obviously not built to be steps. Anyone who can put this piece together, especially the doors and inlay had something other than stairs in mind.
    4. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 8 years ago
      Possibly an old library step
    5. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 8 years ago
      I'm with fhrhr on that. I don't think it would even hold the weight of a person, let alone an elephant! and Rose has a great point of no wear. It definitely is different and I have seen a coffee table and side tables with this pattern, but none like this. I think it's very cool tho.
    6. TubeAmp TubeAmp, 8 years ago
      Not to mention loading a four poster bed and this on your yak would make one a very unhappy nomad.

      Plenty of English influences here, a library/bed step table. More for show, less for climbing (along the lines of a ladder bookshelf, not really meant to be used to paint your house).

      T A
    7. Luellalou, 8 years ago
      Google - 19th Century English bed steps - . What do ya think ? I really thought one of you peeps might be able to solve this mystery . Oh one more thing , the diamond shape window inserts ? maybe royalty ?

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