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FLAPPERS, and VINTAGE car,touring car, trolley car,etc-JUST GOOD TIMES 1920s,)Original Photos

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Photographs1328 of 52171909 football picture Flappers in Fur and Fur-Collar Fashions, Ready For Jack Frost, 1920s Style.
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (437 items)

    4 photos of Happy Days in the 1920s--maybe earlier on as the age of the charleston was in its infancy. all enjoyed with beloved events centered around outings and wheels. Quite neat rides!! There is a, touring car, old car with a family getting underway-2 photos in one frame/train/trolley ride--probably in a park. How many would love to have gone on these rides. Raise your hand!
    These are all originals.
    The last photo is from the 1920s too. They have checked into the "White House" Winter Resort, in Beloxi, Mississippi, and all are named on back of photo.Look at that snappy flapper far right. I notice the older ladies and and young married ladies are not as likely to have quite as attractive clothes as the show-offy , jazz age ,flippant-flappers did.

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    1. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      Hey! Maybe this isn't a real genuine "touring car" after all!! ooops.but these kids have turned it into one!!
      What model of car is it???
    2. eye4beauty eye4beauty, 8 years ago
      The best safety device known is a careful man.
    3. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      OH! eye4beauty
      Is that what it says on the side of the car? I couldn't quite make it out! Thank you.
    4. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 8 years ago
      How fun are these?! Looks like Bonnie and Clyde.
    5. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      OLD CARS! Year & maker PLEASE of the vintage autos in the first and second photo. Would someone here know--and tell us please??
    6. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      Hey! vetraio50 and Manikin Thanks a million!
    7. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      Joy Riding!!
    8. eye4beauty eye4beauty, 8 years ago
      Seems like the noe 1st picture is related to the 3rd picture. Same people are in both and the car in the 3rd picture is in the background of the 1st picture ?
    9. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      OH! I should have mentioned I SWITCHED the 4 photos around. I got to thinking people may have assumed I had just 1 photo on.
    10. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      Hey! Thanks!!
    11. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      Thanks courtenayantiques!

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