Posted 8 years ago
(945 items)
I'm breaking into my program of applied glass postings to show this interesting bowl that I acquired yesterday. It was an early birthday present to myself (today is my birthday).
It looks like a good quality piece, & if anyone can recognise who the maker is, that would be much appreciated!
The bowl measures 5.5 cm tall, 18 cm across, & sits on a small polished base only 2.5 cm across. It is made from clear glass that shades to a deep ruby at the edges, & also has an intense iridescence on both sides, as well as an overshot texture on the outside. The zig zag style rim is quite unusual & I don't have any other items with a sharply pointed crimp like it.
My only thoughts at the moment is that it looks Bohemian.
Update - I now believe this to be an example of Rindskopf Pepita with an overshot texture.
Happy Birthday, lovely gift!
Thanks so much! I'm off to an antiques fair tomorrow so might score a post -birthday gift as well! :-)
My guess is Rindskopf or Kralik
Hope you score many post Birthday prezzies..
lol Go for it, particularly if it's something you may never see again! It's my birthday on Sunday and I've already justified several purchases on those two grounds!!!
When you're're worth it! Good for you for buying yourself a special gift for your birthday....a stunning bowl.
to right great to get your birthday present super bowl !!!!!!!!
What an absolutely incredible bowl. The shape is so clever, and supported by that decor. A treasure!
Many thanks, Marty, & I did have a find today - will post soon...
A very happy birthday to you too, sklo42 - my fellow Aries - no wonder our tastes in glass are so similar! :-)
Thanks also, LOUMANAL, MALKEY, czechglass5, & racer4four for your kind wishes & compliments!
I love this bowl! The colors, shape, frit - all of it! I agree with Marty that it was made by either Kralik or Rindskopf. And hope you had a very happy birthday! :)