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Edwardian lavalier paste necklace by KNOLL AND PREGIZER, Pforzheim Germany.

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (284 items)

    I believe this is an edwardian paste necklace and I don´t know what to say but let the necklace speak for itself.

    Maker KNOLL AND PREGIZER, Pforzheim Germany. The company was
    founded by Theodor Eberhard Friedrich Knoll and Frederich Pregizer in 1887.

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    1. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 8 years ago
      Just beautiful Elizabethan!!!
      I have seen that maker's mark before but just can't remember who it belongs to.....I think Kyra will know!
    2. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 8 years ago
      Oh wow... ...haha that big blank spot means I'm actually speechless! It absolutely does speak for itself, loudly in fact!
    3. VintageD_10, 8 years ago
      Lovely lavalier pendant, must look gorgeous worn. I have a query though, did antique jewelry have the mark of 925? I was under the impression that the 925 marking is for newer jewelry and not antique. Could it be a later addition to clarify that its is silver and not plated? I also see what must be the makers hallmark below but dont know who to attribute it to.
    4. Enameled_Beetle, 8 years ago
      Beautiful necklace! It is by Knoll & Pregizer, a company that was in Pforzheim, Germany.
    5. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 8 years ago
      Hello friends! Thankyou for your attention and nice coments. About the 925 mark for purity I don't know the history in detail but I have read it was used in some European countries long before it was used in say for example the US. When it comes to this KP necklace and that mark I have read on a referencepage that KP was sometimes used ? the 925. I can't say for sure when the necklace was made but from the design and details on this I'm quite sure it's edwardian but you can never know for sure 100 %. At some point it was probably exported since I live in scandinavia and bought it here. Thankyou for kind words and inputs. If someone knows more about the KP company and when this was was used by them please let me know, thank you.
    6. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 8 years ago
      I ment to write that the KP used together with the 925 mark, if I have understood the referens page.
    7. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 8 years ago
      Thanks EBeetle :-)
    8. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 8 years ago
      Yes ofcourse, thank you EBeetle!! Sorry, I was writing on a late hour here almost falling asleep. Thankyou! Thank you TassieDevil for pointing it out to me. :)
    9. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 8 years ago
      Goodness Elizabeth!!! I didn't mean to do that, sorry......Was just happy to know the maker's name that I couldn't remember :-)
    10. Enameled_Beetle, 8 years ago
      No worries, you're welcome! :)
    11. VintageD_10, 8 years ago
      Thank you Elisabethan didn't know that about the 925 marking. It does look old and intricate. Nice find.
    12. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 8 years ago
      TassieDevil :) :) :) :) you helped me, I want to be polite.
    13. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 8 years ago
      Thank you Enameld Beetle and thank you VintageD-10.
    14. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 8 years ago
      Thank you everyone who "love" my post.
    15. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 8 years ago
      Thank you for love aura, TassieDevil, bijou, shareurpassion, peasejean, Racer4four, manikin, Valentino, Efesgirl, kyratango, mrstyndall, alan2310, vintageD_10, inky, mikelv, caperkid, wandlessfairy!!
    16. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 8 years ago
      Thankyou Agram!
    17. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 5 years ago
      Returning to this old post as I found this ftom 1920 by the same maker:
    18. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 5 years ago
      Here is another piece of jewelry with that makersmark KP together with the 925 mark, said to be from 1920.

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