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Dart 1 typewriter - The Connecticut Mfg. Company, Hartford, Conn. - 1890

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (79 items)

    The Dart is a wondrous machine in its own right but as it types letters consecutively onto a surface, it is very much a typewriter.

    Here is a fine period account of the Dart.

    "This is intended for business men, manufacturers and jobbers, wholesalers and retailers, and is referred to as a practical marking machine. The uses to which the machine can be put are enumerated as addressing boxes, parcels, & printing notices, display cards for stores, price tickets, bills of fare, etc.

    It prints letters 1 inch high, is self inking, moving on wheels over the surface printed on, prints each letter at a single stroke, and spaces accurately between words and letters. ... In using, the operator grabs the knob on top of the machine lightly in the hand and turns the pointer on the dial to the letter or figure to be printed. The knob is then pressed downward with sufficient force to make a good impression, when the vibrating frame is allowed to come back to the place without removing the hand from the knob. ...The statement is made that it can be operated by any man or boy with but a few minutes practice."

    To read more about the Dart and to see my collection please visit

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    1. typewritercollector typewritercollector, 8 years ago
      Thank you for your appreciation of this rare typing machine.
    2. Mystaplers Mystaplers, 8 years ago
      This isn't rare - It's mega rare. A top shelf machine for sure. beautiful
    3. typewritercollector typewritercollector, 8 years ago
      Thank you Curtis for your appreciation of this very rare Dart typewriter. I am thrilled to finally have one after all these years and to no longer have to imagine how it works. I hope that you are able to find one too!

      You can see and read more about the Dart at my website

      Cheers, Martin

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