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Early Victorian brooch

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Costume Brooches1211 of 2534Swirl Fan and Enameled Brooch - Identify?Adorable Black Enamel & Gold Tone Lion Cub Brooch With Green Jewel Eyes
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (2 items)

    This seems to be gold with very detailed handcrafted workmanship. it had been completely encased with rust & calcifications , as I removed More & more this is what has evolved . I have been researching non stop but have yet to find any answers about the history of this I think brooch. Please if anyone has info I would love to hear from you, there are two 3 leaf clovers on each end wrapped around a heart and although it was rusted, calcified and bent there's barely a blemish on the center stone, a possible Safire , blue topaz or aqua marine. Looks early Victorian too me. I'll be getting a precious metal and gem stone appraisal next week for authenticity, wish me luck ..

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    1. BELLA212, 8 years ago
      Thank you, question though, although there was buildup of rust or what looked like rust and calcification around it, I used my hand steamer and blasted it as well as hand washed it both on overkill mode too, lol. Almost all that was stuck in crevices is out but with all the blasting with the steam etc the metal is only getting more brilliant and gold in you know what that means, is there any thing I can do at home to check if it is real gold?
    2. BELLA212, 8 years ago
      Also It's been through the ringer for years by the looks of it when given to me, yet the center stone amazingly came through without a scratch , I mean I even used pumice & scrubbed,yet not a scratch or haze on It. Wouldn't it have been scratched, clouded over or even cracked or been crushed if it was plastic or glass? Any one with more knowledge to offer me, thank you
    3. BELLA212, 8 years ago
      Help , does any body know anything about this piece of jewelry
    4. BELLA212, 8 years ago
      Good morning, thank you so much Ms.CrystalShip for checking in on things and staying in contact. It makes one feel good to know feel so alone when being a new comer as well just learning about vintage ???? or trying to, lol ???? Have a blessed day hope to hear back from you again as well as others

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