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Vintage Gasboy Mobil Pegasus Gas Pump

In Petroliana > Gas Pumps > Show & Tell.
Petroliana974 of 3743TruTemp Motor Oil CanDiamond 760 flange sign
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (11 items)

    Just got another pump done this past weekend, thank God for better weather! As you can see it's a Gasboy 290 farm pump that I converted into a Mobil Pegasus pump. This one was pretty rough when I got it as you can see for the one photo, thing had red primer sprayed and dripped all over the place. Faceplate was "gone" as it had been faded out from years of sun exposure. Hope everyone like's it as much as I do. Enjoy! :)


    1. Signaholic Signaholic, 8 years ago
      Wow, that's an outstanding job you did bringing this one back!
    2. epson233 epson233, 8 years ago
      i love these -- it takes me back to my childhood when dad owned the mobil station in waldport oregon -- which is where we spend our summer months with the 35' pace arrrow motor home that ted and i have gutted -- that motorhome has woodflooring and all new leather placed on the couch and chairs --

      you did an outstanding job on this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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