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Czech, Belgium, Chinese, French, German, Italian ? - Cased Glass

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Bohemian Art Glass2531 of 6907Kralik Silveria square vaseWelz - Umbrella shapes
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (202 items)

    I find lots of oddities online and this is one is a doozy- associated by shape to the "elephant foot shape" with thorns. Other pieces have similarities in the canes used, foot design, cabachon appications and grinding style to the rim. I have no clue who made it but if you find aything please message me, thank you for looking, JM

    1-2 Cased Decor with canes (transparent aqua with mahogany veins)
    3. Crystal cabachon applications in floral motif
    4. Ground edge similar to....anybody making cheap decorative glass from 1920-1950

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    1. inky inky, 8 years ago
      Ooooh!!! interesting is the colours used!...:-)
    2. antiquerose antiquerose, 8 years ago
      Gosh, I love this. It looks Czech to me by the rim, but then the punts on it look just like a piece that I have -- that I was thinking was Victorian or Venetian or something. See the punts on mine:

      Berry Prunts??
    3. vetraio50 vetraio50, 8 years ago
      Raspberry Prunties. It really is nice.
    4. racer4four racer4four, 8 years ago
      I'm not seeing anything too Asian in this, so go with Czech.
      I love the decor with the pastel colours and the oxblood highlights. So painterly!!
      (Raspberry) prunts are always good.
    5. IronLace IronLace, 8 years ago
      What an interesting piece, not seen anything quite like it! The prunts & feet are very. Victorian but the decor looks more like 20s - 30s.

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