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1970's - AVON RING - Silver Tone ( Eclipse ring, from 1975 )

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Avon Jewelry12 of 17Elizabeth Taylor "Elephant Walk " Brooch / Avon / Circa 1990 Avon Pearl & Crystals Ring Thrift Shop Find 95 Cents
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1467 items)

    Hi CW Gang ~

    Vintage AVON ring. Marked. I think I got this around the late 1970's era.
    Still in pretty Super condition. Displays very nice on your finger. It is Surprising that this ring is now almost 40 years old and still looks like it was made yesterday. Just another grab out of my jewelry box here.....LOL

    Thanks for LOOKING // LOVING !!

    ~ Rose ~


    THANKS Nutsabotas6 for the confirmed name of this, and confirmed date of these Avon earrings !!!


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    1. antiquerose antiquerose, 8 years ago
      Thank I can not remember the name....LOL....but glad to hear I was right for the date // age of it. Thanks so ever much for the info. Will add that to the title.

      Thanks Bonnie and Nuts for the quick love button hits also !!
    2. Masterpearl Masterpearl, 8 years ago
      AVON. Ahhhhhhhh memories

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