Posted 8 years ago
(471 items)
This is an unusual find for me..!!
I bought a paint by numbers picture at the local recycling centre a few years ago because I wanted the old mahogany & gold coloured frame for a picture that I had been given by my sister..
When i took the back off the frame i found this original watercolour behind the other picture ..
It's initialled and dated as in pictures - H.L.B 1887 -
I didn't think anymore about it until today whilst having a clear out i nearly threw it out with some other prints !
It's really well painted & still very colourful for the age .. it's even quite a nice picture .
I thought I'd list it hoping someone would recognise the initials ..
It must be a mill of some sort with the water wheel..
found in Devon UK
Thanks for looking
Sorry about the sideways pics .. dunno what happened there ;-)
Thank you PoliticalPinbacks for your love ;-)
Thank you spiritbear for your love ;-)
Thank you vetraio50 for your love:-)
Thankyou Roddyq for your love :-)
Thanks inky & mikelv85 for your loves :-))
Thankyou Aura for your love :-)
Thanks Sean68 for your love:-)
Oh wow, that was a nice surprise to find! Lucky that you didn't throw it out, then you would have my luck! Well, lets see what we can find out about it then. Have you looked at it with a jewelers loupe? Sometimes it's the only way to be positive it's not a print. I've just come across that myself only because i didn't bother to look when I purchased it, but I still don't care, I love my new print...
Haha found her!!!
Harriet L. Barnecott signs her name HLB and she's from England. Watercolor, you are right!!!
Definate watercolour and there's a bit more writing that I can't work out yet beside the HLB!!
Thanks for your love & initials i-d I'll check it out ;-)
Silly my comments hahaha!!! I already got it for you.
Sorry shareurpassion maybe I was born blonde;-) lol
Thank you for the i-d ...
I did read it comments but think it didn't so k in !! Ha !!
Must be the rum !!!:-)
Hi all, I just found this old thread and I'm very happy! I came into possession of a watercolor painted image that I find exquisite. This image is signed HLB, that's how I got here! I read that you have identified the identity of the artist! I would like to have as much information as possible. I can't find anything about this painter... Who can help me? Any links? Information about his life? Whatever... Sorry for the trouble ????