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Gilbert 8 day banjo clock with ship picture

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Shuzbut's loves156 of 397Gilbert 1807 banjo  clock with ship picture 30 hour weight driven ogree clock with reverse painting
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (195 items)

    Hi, I just purchased this banjo eight day time on the clock at my local flea market for $10 when I bought it I did not know if it worked or not or how to even check the movement or attach a pendulum. When I got home I studied the clock and discovered that the door with boat picture does not open so I unscrewed the face/dial there appears to be no pendulum required for this Clock? I think there was a brass or gold-tone eagle finial on top there's a small hole on the top of the case Now that the Clock is running. I would love to know any more information about this Clock like how old and what made is Clock Be valued at I do know it was made in the USA. Thanks.

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