Posted 14 years ago
(1 item)
I found this sign in a road ditch seven years ago and really don't know that much about it other than the image is from 1945. When I went looking for more information I found similar images but not this specific one. The Sprite Boy has a bottle cap hat and the others I've found all have the paper hat style. It was in really good condition and still is. It's unique in that it isn't tin or metal but a lightweight material. If you have any information on this sign please let me know!
It is a fantasy item made in the last 20 years for the collector market. It wasnt produced any earlier than probably 1980. The sprite boy's era of prominance was in the 1950's.
HA Ray Nice I got a few laughs after connecting that one! I wonder if any other signs fell out of the truck and were picked up... .and if they were will they be posted on here!