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Victorian Dollhouse Exterior and Interior Shots

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (70 items)

    For those interested, this is the exterior of the dollhouse. The model is the San Franciscan by Dura-Craft, Inc. Have to laugh because the box says "Mansions in Minutes." That is an impossibility considering the complexity of the construction process. My husband painstakingly built this, including the double hung windows, and shake shingled the turret. I shake shingled the roof. What a job! We even created bricks with a special mixture and a plastic form. You can see a small bit of the brickwork at the bottom left in the photo.

    I've added a couple more interior shots.

    The first interior shot is of the Duncan Phyfe library table I made. A miniature hurricane lamp, a stack of prints and a miniature collection of Civil War era CDVs I made from my actual CDV collection are scattered atop the table. The open drawer shows a miniaturized index card recipe.

    The second interior shot is the desk. I moved it under the chandelier. I just placed a gem sized Civil War era tintype in the letter holder/inkwell. I'll be affixing it to the wall unless I use a small tabletop easel and place it on the fireplace mantel. I made the books from pdf files I purchased online.

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    1. betweenthelens betweenthelens, 8 years ago
      Thank you for the love, clmason456!
    2. clmason456 clmason456, 8 years ago
      I love it, especially the windows. Very nice.
    3. betweenthelens betweenthelens, 8 years ago
      Thank you again, clmason456. They were difficult to assemble and install. This was a thoroughly challenging project, even for my husband who is an accomplished craftsman. Thank you for the love, officialfuel!
    4. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 8 years ago
      Oh wow, this is really cute! In minutes??? haha wonder whose time they were on? Did you paint it also? You both did a great job!
    5. betweenthelens betweenthelens, 8 years ago
      Thank you so much, shareurpassion. It was a fun project on which to work together. We did paint it. My husband did most of the painting outside but I am handling the inside.
    6. betweenthelens betweenthelens, 8 years ago
      Thank you, officialfuel, blunderbuss2, and fortapache. Much appreciated!
    7. AuctionJunkie AuctionJunkie, 8 years ago
      Fabulous! What a pleasure to look at, even if just in pics.
    8. betweenthelens betweenthelens, 8 years ago
      Thank you so much TassieDevil and AuctionJunkie. Much appreciated! You made my day, AuctionJunkie.
    9. betweenthelens betweenthelens, 8 years ago
      Thank you so much, nutsabotas6. Much appreciated. :)
    10. betweenthelens betweenthelens, 8 years ago
      Thanks so much, Caperkid and Mrstyndall!
    11. betweenthelens betweenthelens, 8 years ago
      Thank you for the love, SEAN68. Much appreciated!
    12. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 7 years ago
      Love the desk and everything on it as if someone just slipped away, there was a heated telephone call discussing the whereabouts of Alice !~
    13. kyratango kyratango, 7 years ago
      Wow! What a beautiful result, the inside really looks life-size, you are so talented!!! :-)
    14. betweenthelens betweenthelens, 7 years ago
      Thank you for the love, Tanni. Thank you so much, kyratango. Much appreciated! I just love working on it and researching Victorian era rooms and accoutrements to bring as much authenticity to my miniature world as possible. Thank you so much, PhilDMorris. I love that thought! ;) I guess I need to name one of my dollhouse residents Alice.
    15. betweenthelens betweenthelens, 7 years ago
      Thank you for the love, TimeTraveller!

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