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Sculpture450 of 955SculpturesAn Ent Vase, in the Lord of the Rings (Film) the Ents attack the Orcs and this is a Tree Root vase
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (31 items)

    Found this piece at auction... approximately 10 and 1/2 inches tall . Composition appears to be a mixture of Stucco cement and sand. Definitely has a European appearance . Appreciate any help in age , origin , culture etc etc . Thank you all so very very much . Robert

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    1. noob, 8 years ago
      Impossible to tell. Since you say it appears to be made of stucco, cement and sand, I would guess it might have been made as a tourist souvenir, or as a home decor item. It could also have been made as an art school project. There's really no way of knowing.
    2. lindakp123 lindakp123, 8 years ago
      Thank you very much Mr. Noob
    3. lindakp123 lindakp123, 8 years ago
      Noob , again thank you for your response I put the sculpture on the scale to weigh it ... Its 17 my question to you you think that this would have been made for tourist at that weight? I will sebd some more pictures...please look at them and tell me what you think. Thank you.
    4. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 8 years ago
      I have seen pieces with the same sort of straw looking material, and from that it appears to be made from resin or something they call stoneware which was popular in the 1990's, not like the old stoneware which was ceramic - bit hard to gauge its construction without seeing it for myself.
    5. noob, 8 years ago
      lindakp123 - 17 pounds is nothing. Travelers/ tourists to Europe have brought home pieces in bronze and stone weighing tons. Airlines have limited how much luggage weighs for the last several decades, but remember that people used to travel with trunks and many pieces of luggage, with porters taking care of the schlepping on trains and ships.

      As you said, this head 'definitely has a European appearance', i.e. it's made to look like it's a fragment of a classical sculpture in stone. Someone who wants this art object on a desk or library shelf would want its weight to feel like stone, too.

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