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Art Glass8024 of 23533Czech Art Deco Tango Glass Sugar Sifter/Flour DredgerClear and green vase
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (94 items)

    Heart shaped bowl. It is 8 cm tall and 17 cm wide. Bought it from a thrift store in iceland ( they are not cheepy by the way...not like i see people talk about here. Getting things for 50 cents or what ever. I payed 16 dollars for it but so wort it. Love colored glass. Pink and red are my favorite colors also so it doesn't hurt ;) can anybody tell me who made it

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    1. welzebub welzebub, 8 years ago
      Strikes me more as Czech. Put it under some fluorescent lights and see if it changes color to a pale blue. Would not surprise me if it did, as it looks like it could be Neodymium glass, commonly called Alexandrite glass. Nice buy. Looks like a quality piece.
    2. VikingGirl VikingGirl, 8 years ago
      Thank you. I am waiting for my blacklight to come. I ordered some for my glass duck that is also on the way. She has uranium and glows under it :)
    3. welzebub welzebub, 8 years ago
      Not black light... Florescent light.
    4. VikingGirl VikingGirl, 8 years ago bad :) ok thank you, will do
    5. Cpomedx Cpomedx, 8 years ago
      Wow, clearly quite gorgeous.
    6. VikingGirl VikingGirl, 8 years ago
      Thank you Cpomdex friend is drooling after it, trying to get me to sell it to here..but there is NO WAY hahaha
    7. Tahiti1 Tahiti1, 8 years ago

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