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1930s metal kit cat clock extremely rare

In Clocks > Electric Clocks > Show & Tell and Animals > Cats > Show & Tell.
Electric Clocks41 of 60Metamec made in England art deco influenced but 1950s electric alarm clock and clock, pink for men who like pink!United Ivy Leaf Clock
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (195 items)

    Hi, I love and collect Kit-cat clocks and I was at my favorite flea market with my Dad and I was looking all over for kit cat Clock's Funny story I was on the phone with my father and he was looking at a metal kit cat clock ????so I ran over to my father and oh my God I told him this is an extremely rare model from 1930s from Portland Oregon then my father tells me the guy runs estate sales so then I thought the price is going to be very high so
    When he told me $10 I immediately said "sold "unfortunately he's missing his tail and the cord has been cut but what a find thanks Dad. Anyone own one or ever seen this model and where and how much to fix this cat clock what may he be worth ? thanks for reading hope you enjoyed.

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    1. antiquerose antiquerose, 8 years ago
      Love this one !!

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