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Gold Star family pin

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Military Insignia and Pins193 of 481US Marines PinsUnable to identify military pin
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (177 items)

    Well, I've been thinking about the Vietnam War lately... I still have this lapel pin I was given by our government when my brother was killed over there. At the time, (I was just a kid), I did not question what it represented. I read about it today. I am a member of a Gold Star family. My parents, my siblings and I received these along with my brother's Purple Heart and many other medals. I was also given his peace necklace which he always wore and it was amongst his personal affects. I am more fond of the peace necklace.

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    1. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      As far as I know, all of my family made it rhu many wars, back to the Civil War. I am so thankful of that. The problem is most of my family (men) died young. Well they made it to 50 at least.--Except Uncle Bill who died in an accident at home. He was a Seebee (Spelling)WW11.
      I am very sorry about your your brother, who received a Purple Heart. He was a hero!
    2. mareredware mareredware, 8 years ago
      Thank you PostCardCollector. I appreciate your kindness. My grandfather, dad and uncle all served in WWI and WWII. Different time. Different wars. They came home and I am most grateful for that. My brother was 24 and I was 15 when he was killed. I am 61 and I will never get over the loss of my brother.
      Thanks for the loves to Brunswick, mikelv85, vetraio, aura and fortapache. Always appreciate your interest. mary

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