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WW1 Souvenir Tobacco Humidor from the 148th Field Artillery

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World War One666 of 692WW1 Trench Art Tank c. 1918WW1 WWI USA Linen Canvas Satchel Work Bag w/Contents
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (977 items)

    This ceramic tobacco humidor was acquired by PVT William L. O'Donel of Battery D during his occupation of Germany and has his name painted on the lid.

    He was a member of the 148th Field Artillery, which was comprised of units from Western States. Some units of the 148th came from the Wyoming National Guard and the "Bucking Bronco" insignia was adopted.

    Also on the humidor is the Third Army patch worn by the 148th during its occupation of Germany.

    During the War the 148th was part of the 66th Artillery BDE, 41st Division and participated in many battles (also annotated on the side).

    I have seen several examples of similar humidors (and own more). All that I have seen are from the 146th FA (also part of the 66th) or the 148th FA.

    There is one pictured in Jane Kimball's book, "Trench Art An Illustrated History".


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    1. Mike Digiacomo, 14 years ago
      This unit were also given steins. You could order them with or without pewter tops. My Grandfather had both as he served with the 148th. Would like to hear from the author who collects these as I may have a photo of the owner of this tobacco jar. Thanks.
    2. scottvez scottvez, 14 years ago
      Thanks Mike.

      I have four of these and sure would like to see a picture of the owner.

    3. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      Thanks tlmbaran.

    4. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      Thanks again Purdy.

    5. scottvez scottvez, 12 years ago
      Thank undreal-- if you like war souvenirs, I have a lot of other postings on Collectors Weekly.


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