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    Posted 8 years ago

    (437 items)

    I can't make out the photographer name, can you? Photo # 3.
    I had to laugh at my new arrival in the mail today. These guys look as if they think they are are hunks. ( And would be appalled that some of them nowadays will get the giggles or the" heebie-jeebies" from us at the thought of them in our arms.)
    But who would you choose if your life depended on it? Well... Maybe in better clothing--we COULD find a "soul mate" here!
    Who gets YOUR vote?
    (Whoever can read what it says at the bottom ----wins a dream date!)

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    1. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      I think it says "Visite Portraits"??
    2. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      Hey? What is that unusual swelling across the. groin area of the guy on the right? It looks very odd. He is kinda mis-shapen,no?I guess out of curiosity I would choose him for my date

    3. SpiritBear, 8 years ago
      I have the same problem as the guy on the right when both of my pockets are too full as they are lowest at the front. LOL.
      I'd prefer to get to know them first, but the guy on the left looks decent. :)
    4. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      My daughter thinks it is wrap around money belt like travelers wore years back . Worn under the clothing. The guy in question on the right is comical. Yes I would take a date with the chap on the left?. The seated guy looks a bit sensitive. This photo is a hoot because? as a trio of cohorts they really don't match. I wonder what their association could have been important enough to buddy up for a photo? Maybe all actors in the same play?
    5. PoliticalPinbacks PoliticalPinbacks, 8 years ago
      Well this is depressing that's ME in the center LOL
      I think the guy in the center is a bootleg wine importer (and full of himself)
      the right grows the grapes and makes the wine (and is full of something else)
      left is the DA who covers for the other two.
    6. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      You are all so funny! I love your ideas. I was going to pick the Grape grower because i want to see for sure why he has such a" hidden agenda" in his pants--if it is a money belt, I want to see how much. Maybe he has just stuffed himself with wine formulas??
      Valentino97 and I picked the same guy for a "date"!! Ha ha. I am just laughing so hard I'll call it a nite. But the seated guy looks "out of it"--his eyes are closed.The guy on the left is too big for a little lady like me. So destiny calls and Valentino97 and I will both go out escorted by the man on the right that makes me laugh!!
      Spirit Bear wants a formal intro before he goes anywhere with any of them.(But thinks the guy on the left might be decent.) Smart move Spirit Bear. You might end up on a slow boat to China, kidnapped! Or stomping grapes all nite at gunpoint. Ya can't be too careful.
      Maybe by tomorrow there will be more votes on who to spend some quality time with.
      They do look like TOTALLY different characters and I still wonder what they are together in a picture for. They are not" really close friends" in my opinion.
      Yet. PoliticalPinbacks thinks they are all in cahoots in the wine trade illegally. Great imagination there! And don't be depressed Political Pinbacks that you feel the center guy is "you"==He IS the best looking!
    7. inky inky, 8 years ago
      Well!!.. I'm going with the one sitting down a bit of a baby face..the one on the right I agree looks like Freddy Mercury and the one one on the left looks like Vladimir Putin... now I can't get that picture of him riding a horse bare chested out of my mind....yuck!!..:-))
    8. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      Glad we could do that for you!
    9. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      Well--you know we always agree on men. I will get "our Indian on soon" , requires going thru about 16 albums. He will surface!!

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