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Does anybody recognize these c. 1900 outlaws or criminals...??

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (40 items)

    Just bought this intriguing c. 1900 (perhaps even a bit earlier by the way the women are dressed?) cabinet photo of what, to me, look like criminals or outlaws! Both the men (brothers?) and their "molls" are proudly displaying their weapons ( 4 rifles and a six-shooter) and a table top full of ammunition. Looks very "in your face" to me!

    Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone out there has a clue as to who these folks may be?

    Thanks for looking!

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    1. PoliticalPinbacks PoliticalPinbacks, 8 years ago
      Great image, ma barker in her youth? LOL
    2. Hyp-storian, 8 years ago
      I was hoping Bonney & Clyde and their siblings...; - )
      They DO look pretty mean though, and seem to be taunting the authorities...
    3. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 8 years ago
      West Texas shooting class for the women. If outlaws, they must not be much good or they would have better weapons.
    4. Hyp-storian, 8 years ago
      That six-shooter looks pretty nifty though- S & W or a Colt?
      Can't tell what the rifles are......
    5. fortapache fortapache, 8 years ago
      1 revolver and 4 single shot long guns. Not really well armed as bb2 said.
      Looks like a colt peacemaker with a long barrel, I do like that one. Also looks like two single shot shotguns probably 12 gauge. You would want to cut down those barrels for outlawing. Probably for shooting clay pigeons. The other two look like single shot carbines.
    6. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 8 years ago
      Not the type of guns I like to collect, but the rifle the woman is holding & the front one propped against porch, look like Stevens model 44's . The guy sitting on the split wood appears to be holding an octagon barreled Frank Wesson, but it could also be an oct. barrelled Stevens. Fort got the Colt right.
    7. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 8 years ago
      Really zooming in on the rifle the guy on the wood has, it appears to be a Model 92 Winchester to me now. Hard to say looking from the top, but Winchester long guns were usually oct. barreled.
    8. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      This photo is fantastic!! I see they have some boxed cartridges open and ready there and a pot of planted weeds near the door. They live in a bad looking place, and look like anything but church-going neighbors. Is that a long handled ax next to the shovel?? Chop 'em up and bury 'em??? By God! That is the best photo yet on CW!! CHEERS!
    9. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 8 years ago
      PostCard, you would make a great screen writer ! Wonder what speculation a pic of myself & friends as teenagers with submachine guns after a bit of "target" shooting would bring ? LOL !
    10. Hyp-storian, 8 years ago
      blunderbuss2 & fortapache:

      You guys sure know your guns- kudos...!!


      That's exactly the way I feel about this photo too, so we would probably BOTH make great screen writers...; - )
    11. Hyp-storian, 8 years ago

      Great minds think alike!

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