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"Happy Memorial Day!" 1943 Your Flag! Flag in Every Home Committee 48 Star Flag & Eagle Set

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1101 items)

    1943 Your Flag! Flag in Every Home Committee 48 Star Flag & Eagle Set

    Original Nylon Flag with sewn stars & stripes and gold eagle.

    During World War II, as in other times of crisis, displaying the flag was a way to demonstrate support for the nation.

    The committee encouraged Americans to fly the flag from homes, public buildings, schools, and at public gatherings, believing this would “increase the respect for our Flag and the democratic institutions for which it stands.”

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    1. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      I won't see flags in my neighborhood now, always did a decade back-(-and I had a small one on the mailbox) My hood is 98% Hispanic these days. The closest thing would be "Cinco de Mayo" (May 5th.) Day of The Dead, where departed relatives (not leaving on Grayhound Bus--long gone !!) are welcomed back in homes in spirit form and decorations are hung and celebrations are participated in, with photos of the dead, decorated and held up by paraders. And I suppose some Ex-Miltary could become part of that from WW1 & 2 and more recent)
    2. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 8 years ago
      That is an awesome flag you have there! And in the box!!! Excellent post!
    3. SpiritBear, 8 years ago
      All my American flags are too old to put outside. There's one in the center of the main bottle display in my room, as it hangs above one. Also 48 stars, but no eagle.
    4. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 8 years ago
      PCC, I make sure that I put my flags out on every holiday. I have one of those old flag holders that holds several smaller flags over my front them!

      Shareurpassion, Thank you! I actually display this one at times.

      SpiritBear, I often place this on my front door where the glass storm door protects it. Thank you for your comment :)

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