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Grandmother's Costume Jewelry Owl Necklace

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bijoucaillou…'s loves737 of 5393Costume "Silver Folded Pieces/Discs" Necklace, Bracelet and Earring SetWere Costume Necklaces and Earrings of 'Grapes' a "thing/fad"?
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (191 items)

    Mom passed in March of this year so as the only daughter I inherited all of hers and her Mother's jewelry. There is a bit of fine jewelry, albeit, inexpensive fine jewelry but more fascinating is the large amount of costume jewelry. 90% of the costume jewelry belonged to my Grandmother.

    She was born in the early 1900's, so any amount of jewelry that would have been accumulated to my way of thinking/guessing from 1930's to 1970's (late). She died in the early 80's. She seemed to LOVE brooches, Canadian Maple leaves, etc. She also either was a fan of jewelry that looked like grapes or it was a fad at some point.

    This is one of two Owl necklaces that we know came from my Grandmother. As you can see, it's tarnished/part of the 'gold color' appears rubbed off in places. I do know Owl jewelry made a resurgence of interest in the past decade, however the ones I have are definitely 'vintage'....any idea of time period?

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    1. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      Yes. 1970s.
    2. KarenLR71, 8 years ago
      Thanks to Valentine97 and Efesgirl for helping me date this!

      I appreciate you both taking time to comment!!
    3. racer4four racer4four, 8 years ago
      I'm loving your inherited collection Karen. It must be such a personal pleasure going through it.
    4. KarenLR71, 8 years ago
      racer4four - you hit is so on the head. Even with the small amount of what I've posted, I've become just more and more intrigued. As an Air Force brat and with me and my youngest brother being 15 years younger than our 2 older brothers, I didn't grow up around any grandparents and with exceptions of rare visits, calls and letters, I have mainly known of them through stories.

      I lost my Mom to Dementia and by the time we realized she had it, she had some memory impairment. Her battle lasted only 3 yrs which is actually a blessing as it's a horrible disease, but I'm, pleasure, relief, and the satisfaction that comes with having a mystery solved. I'm getting to know both my Mom and her Mom in a whole different way through their jewelry.

      I've been combing through it, triumphantly finding matches sometimes.. .sometimes looking through every box again and still finding no match...but thinking of them both the whole time. I talk to them to...I've asked my Mom "Really? " a few times ;) I'm so happy you are enjoying it.

      TO ALL: I think I've been posting wrong. I thought you could only mark something as a mystery if you were doing the 'show and tell' thing. My apologies for not realizing that you don't have to do that if this is indeed correct.
    5. Lpnmom3kids, 6 years ago
      Owl is a very beautiful piece.
    6. clockerman clockerman, 6 years ago
      Sorry about your mom passing. Great post.

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