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C. 1890s Sugar dish Use

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (813 items)

    Last Two Photos Only for showing member Anything Obscure What I'm Meaning.

    I had a c. 1890s transferware sugar dish without a lid that I decided to toss ivy in. I think it looks good. It's been in a few weeks and seems to enjoy it.

    After uploading the pics, I decided to edit out all colour before using a tiny online brush to bring back colour to certain aspects to the photo.

    I think the missing colour in much of the background (I put some back in) looks good and puts a signature on the photos.

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    1. PoliticalPinbacks PoliticalPinbacks, 8 years ago
      Fancy planter LOL but yeah looks like it loves it in there, it's going to grow across the wall and out the window soon ;D
    2. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 8 years ago
      Can we have an example of the "before" photo too please, just to see what you did to it? Agree that the ivy looks happy in there, that stuff grows wild in my backyard...

    3. SpiritBear, 8 years ago
      Political Pinbacks, I wish for it to grow up my bunk bed and on my window. It's why I picked the ivy over another plant. It can survive in shade and it makes a huge covering when mature. LOL.

      Anything Obscure, I'm afraid this is the only photo as I edited the original. But I removed all the colour then used a little tool to 'brush' (online) back in certain areas. The background is greyscale in the pic, but is in person various shades of brown, tan, blue, and brass (plus black and white).
      Beware to not let it grow on your house, though, as it can tear it down.
    4. SpiritBear, 8 years ago
      Anything Obscure, I added two photos taken moments apart, and edited out the colour from one, before editing back in colour only to the vintage and antique items in my room. This is what I'm meaning.
    5. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 8 years ago
      Thanks very much for the extra pics/explanation SpiritBear! I kinda figured thats what 'ya meant, but its fun to compare both versions...I'm sure its a novelty to see your own stuff pictured so differently?! Frankly I gotta admit I think I prefer the 'colorized' version but that's just me. ;-) (I *do* tend to like colorful things...? <lol>) And anyways about it -- looks like you've got LOTS of cool (and colorful!) things to display! <applause>
    6. SpiritBear, 8 years ago
      My room used to be just dark green and brown with a dim yellow bulb. Rather depressing. But, now, it's colourful. I just do the photos like that because I think it makes the viewer focus more, and gives a more unique appearance.
      If you look at my new profile pic, you see only me and Rhoada in colour. I've changed the pic from Steve to her, to honour her as she died a couple weeks ago. But the CW staff took down my post, and I never got a response to my email on it.

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