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Old Typewriter Adler n°7 in very good condition

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1 item)

    A very old typewriter, in very good
    Exceptional, typewriter in perfect aesthetic condition and working
    Typewriter Adler No. 7. Chrome and paint in excellent condition

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    1. aaron_stuffsavvy aaron_stuffsavvy, 8 years ago
      I'll have one of our experts take a look!
    2. aaron_stuffsavvy aaron_stuffsavvy, 8 years ago

      The Collectors base for antique typewriters is a very specialized market, inside of that group of knowledgeable collectors an Adler Model7 in very good condition could list for about $450.00, but often sell at auction in the $150.00- $175.00 range.


      The Adler company built it's highly successful line of thrust-action typewriters on an original design by US inventor Wellington Parker Kidder (see Empire for the early history), that was marketed in Germany as the Adler 7 beginning in the 1890s.

      Adler soon went its own way in the further development of the thrust action typewriter. Adler introduced a small portable version (the Klein Adler and the Klein Adler 2) and a full sized office machine, the Adler 8, followed by several adaptations, including the Adler 11 with two double shifts and six characters on each type bar, so that it could write two different typefaces. Adler went out of business in 1995.
    3. Gillian, 8 years ago
      aaron - I know you haven't been around CW for very long, so I wanted to let you know that discussing what an item may be worth, or what a poster might expect to get for an item at auction, is strictly forbidden here. I noticed you've done this a couple of times now; and, in the words of another CW'er "it's the quickest way to get kicked off CW."

      I mean no offence.
    4. aaron_stuffsavvy aaron_stuffsavvy, 8 years ago
      Gillian, thank you so much for telling me this!!! It is extremely appreciated. I hadn't thought about that as a reason to be expelled, but I completely understand why that policy would be in place.


    5. Gillian, 8 years ago
      Thank you aaron for being so understanding.


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