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Marx 1666 steam chest smoking train

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (28 items)

    This Marx train was made in the mid 1950's
    Marx made this smoke unit for the die cast Marx 666 steam train first, and than made this smoke unit for the Marx plastic steamer 1666.
    This was the coolest and most amazing design smoke unit at the time, the only smoke unit to blow smoke out the smoke stack and at the cylinders, AKA chest of the train.

    Marx came out with this smoke unit around 1955. No other model train company made anything like this until Lionel did it in the 1980's
    This Marx motor has a side rod that has a potion that goes in and out of the smoke unit with every turn of the wheel blows the smoke out of the train, out the stack and the chest.

    This train's smoke unit blows a ton of smoke. don't be leave me? or just what to see my train smoke just go to the link on the bottom of the page.

    This is a some what rare train.
    very cool train in my collection
    I paid $65.00 about three years ago from a Marx train hobby train store
    None of my stuff is for sale. I love showing you all my cool stuff

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    1. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 8 years ago
      I remember having a train in the 50's that used a tablet that made the smoke. Was that Marx 666 ? What was the tablet made of to smoke ?
    2. fortapache fortapache, 8 years ago
      Feel free to post the link. Will save me some typing and searching.
    3. MrTrains MrTrains, 8 years ago
      Blunder buss , you had a Lionel .
      Lionel trains co, is the only train company to have there trains use smoke pellets.
      Marx , American Flyer post war trains used liquid smoke fluid. Lionel used smoke pellets untill 1959
      Then thet stopped production of smoke pellets.
    4. MrTrains MrTrains, 8 years ago
      Here is a link to my Marx 1666 steam chest smoking steam train.
      It's the first video on top of the list.
      The video was taking with a old camera,
      The video is 6:33 minutes long
    5. PoliticalPinbacks PoliticalPinbacks, 8 years ago
      I understand the old pellets and The reproduction smoke pellets made by Trainz are made of Ammonium nitrate but they say you can use smoke fluid in any train,
      JT's MEGA-STEAM Smoke Fluid TM is said to be a good one.
    6. PoliticalPinbacks PoliticalPinbacks, 8 years ago
      They say the JT's MEGA-STEAM has a thick, dense smoke output yet it dissipates quickly, leaving little or no "train room fog" hanging in the air, But I have never tried it so best to ask a pro or at least someone who has and uses a train set (I have one but haven't set it up in c45 years)
      Nice Video what do you use for your smoke?
    7. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 8 years ago
      Thanks MrTrains for satisfying my curiosity. Probably have to be a screened farmer to get ammonium nitrate now days. I remember now that it was a Lionel.

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