Posted 8 years ago
(95 items)
Here is an unknown glass vase with a rose-red base covered with a clear layer outside. It has a matte surface, is just under 7" tall by 3" wide, has a polished pontil and no signatures or silver marks. It is substantial and heavy. I wouldn't quite say it is iridescent, but the color shifts from rose-red to purple-red depending on the lighting.
The rows of silver around the bottom depict ripples in water from which grows cattails, Dutch Iris and perhaps a lily. The cattails show amazing detail! The silver style leads me to think this is ca. 1900.
I see that Loetz has a shape PN7507/1 ca. 1898 and which is 7" tall. The paper pattern above shows the PN7507/2 version which is 9" tall. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Regardless of the final verdict, this one is a keeper for me! A rose by any other name is still a rose!
magnificent fantastic gorgeous just super i love the piece sammy !!!!!!!!
Very special, Ditto MALKEY.
Thanks MALKEY and Alan2310! It is a really unique piece. I wish I knew who made it. At first I thought it was American glass by Rockwell Silver Co, but I can't find any examples of this color or shape used in their work.
I normally don't like silver clad vases Sammy as I find that the silver often gets lost in the design of the vase. On yours however, the red allows to silver to really pop... beautiful!
Thanks Rick! I agree, the beautiful glass sets the background for the silver. It is a great combination. This color red/pink just glows! I wish I knew who made the vase! If you have any ideas, feel free to chime in!