Posted 8 years ago
(10 items)
ipurchased ths porcelain clown at an op shop and have no idea what its use is it has a handle and three double protrusions coming out of his back he has a sticker under neath him itreads made in japan and RC or PRC Tthe letters are inter twined and abit difficult to read ant information would be greatly appreciated thank you Rob
I would guess RC is Republic of China or PRC Peoples Republic of China? just a guess
thanks for your reply i thought that at first but the sticker also says made in japan a bit confusing thanks Rob
It looks too goofy to be Taiwanese -much more likely to be Japanese!
I have no idea what he is supposed to be, except something to smile at :)))
thank you it looks as if something may have hung of the pieces coming out of his back
Yeah, the hole in his head looks like it was for something too. Toothpicks?
I think he's a caterpillar, like the one in Alice in Wonderland.
its abit deep you wouldnt be able to get them out lol
thanks noob but he only has 2 legs and 2 hands and what would you use it for
Well, he's got a handle. How much liquid could pour out the hole in his hat if you filled it up?
maybe half a cupfull
I'm guessing it's for a child's play tea set.
hi noob you are correct its a teapot i just found it on etsy thank you Rob
hi again noob it actually a saki pourer thanks