Posted 8 years ago
(7 items)
Spiderman 129 is known as a big book for being Punishers first appearance. The Greek Kabanas Hellas Spiderman 129 is not just big but a monster. Even though it unfortunately doesn't include the guts…. the cover speaks volumes for novel endeavors. The thrown together nature of these older Greek marvels are literally a "Marvel" pun intended! LOL Im sorry folks, but if you are a hard core foreign comic Punny collector then one day you must have one of these books in your collection. Unfortunately that will be tough considering you could probably count on two hands the amount of these books in the states…. Kabanas did their best, but printing defects plague the entire vast offering from this publisher. With all that said though the Greek Marvels from the 70's are truly amazing comic books. And 99% of collectors here in the states have never seen one of these beauties.