Posted 8 years ago
(1 item)
Picked this up recently @ an estate sale in the Arlington, VA area. Beautifully inlaid measuring stick, six feet long, four or so inches wide and probably a half inch thick, with two kinds of wood (dark wood looks like walnut or mahogany) and finished on the two long edges with heavy brass that is screwed into the edges at fairly close intervals. Lots of tiny brass flat-head screws! The brass overlaps the front of the stick about a half and inch to make the front even more handsome and sturdy.
I can't find anything on the trade mark "WORKMASTER" and so I don't know when it was made and if it was made for a particular use/reason. It is finished "flat" on the back. The front includes what I would call a channel that runs the full length of the stick and can be seen underneath the l Foot and 2 Feet markers in the pix, which is just above a brass edging that is screwed into the wood edge and overlaps to the front of the stick.
I guess I should have included a pix of the entire stick, but will send more to anyone who wants to see it. In the meantime, I'd appreciate any info on this item, the maker, its use, its age etc.
This appears to be a wallpaper rule. Old wallpaper came with an unprinted edges that must. Be trimmed off. There are many different cutter wheel s that would slide in the groove to cut a straight line.