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Welz Harlequin Honeycomb decor bulb vase

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (72 items)

    Hi Everyone,
    Here's a well known Welz decor in a not so well known shape, one I've not come across before.
    A beautiful, elegant bulb vase.
    Unfortunately it has chipped rigaree but the damage is on one side only, so from the angle it looks perfect :)

    Thank you

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    1. IronLace IronLace, 8 years ago
      The shape is unusual - I've not seen it before either. As for showing the best side of it - I have quite a bit of glass that's in the "same boat". As long as it's somehow still presentable, that is good enough... and this is very presentable indeed!
    2. scottvez scottvez, 8 years ago
      BEAUTIFUL Welz in an unusual shape!

    3. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 8 years ago
      Nice vase! I love your new picture! Is that a wooden bracelet? It's really awesome ;)
    4. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 8 years ago
      Thank you IronLace, scott and shareurpassion and everyone who's loved. IronLace, snap! most of my glass has damage of some's a cheap way to get nice glass :) it helps when one side is presentable. This ones asking for a bulb, I might actually use it, lol.
    5. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 8 years ago
      Sorry shareurpassion I didn't see your comment on my profile pic. I noticed some others had changed which gave me the idea, I'd been "whittling lady" for a long time. The bracelet is wooden, an early post. It has sentimental value. I thought if I had it as a profile pic I might learn more about it.

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