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Two Cool 1924 Mounted Photos of a Motorcycle: one with a Weird Sidecar!

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (40 items)

    I recently purchased these two mounted photos of what looks to be the same motorcycle: one of which was taken in Michigan and dated 1924, and other has a rather weird looking sidecar!
    The first one measures about 10 x 8 inches total (with the mat), and the second image itself is about 10 x 8 inches (mat was mostly trimmed).

    Can anybody out there please enlighten me as to what type of MC this is??
    Those "solid" wheels should be a clue, but I can't make out a name on the gas tank....

    Thanks for looking!

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    1. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 8 years ago
      dog catcher?
    2. Hyp-storian, 8 years ago
      Hah! Who knows? If so, then at least they were transported in style!
      ; - )
    3. Padit, 8 years ago
      Hyp-storian, The two left hand pictures show I believe, a 1926 Harley Davidson Model JD Motorcycle with a sidecar and aftermarket bolt on aluminium Disc covers on the front and rear wheels. The other two pictures do not show enough of the engine to I.D., but it's a different bike.
    4. Hyp-storian, 8 years ago
      Padit- thank you SO much for sharing that info- MUCH appreciated!
    5. Padit, 8 years ago
      Good Evening Hyp-storian, Well, this one took awhile as I had the feeling it was a four cylinder bike. I thought it was a Henderson four as they are more well known, but some thing are not that easy. Also I had to find one that matched the look on the young mans face. I believe this is a 1923 1264cc Ace Four Cylinder Motorcycle that was made in the USA. It was a fast motorcycle and they had a Police version in 1924 that did 139. mph. Not Bad! I gave away most of my years old motorcycle books not long ago, as eventually you what to downsize. This is for the two right hand photo's. Should be right this first time. Have Fun!!
    6. Padit, 8 years ago
      Hyp-storian, Too bad blunderbuss2 is not here. We could let him give it ago in his spare time. You'd Love it, wouldn't you Blunderbuss2?
    7. Hyp-storian, 8 years ago
      Thanks again for sharing your (obviously considerable) knowledge of old MC's!
      My field of knowledge is pre-1914 airplanes, so that wasn't much help to me here at all...; - )
    8. Padit, 8 years ago
      hyp-storian, What was it that the American Military, liked about the Curtiss aircraft over the Wright Bros. aircraft?
    9. Hyp-storian, 8 years ago
      Easier to handle and faster! I believe it was less expensive too.
    10. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 8 years ago
      It looks like an Indian Motorcycle to me...just sayin'! Love ho2's comment!!!
    11. Padit, 8 years ago
      Hyp-storian, No need to answer the question I asked. I just read and alot and enjoy old aircraft also. I enjoy many mechanical things, but not my age.
    12. Padit, 8 years ago
      Hyp-storian, I reread my question to you after I posted it and it came out as a question, rather than a sharing as I meant it to be. It was in regard to use of ailerons. Enjoyed your patriotic posting for today. It fits the times of today well.

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