Posted 8 years ago
(3476 items)
This helicopter is 1/6 scale the same as the original GI Joes. This was released around 2000 give or take a year. Back then 1/6 scale figures were selling quite well with probably the largest assortment of vehicles and figures being produced at that time than before or since. More vehicles being made than when the original GI Joes came out.
Ultimate Soldier was made by 21st Century Toys a company that sadly soon after went out of business. They made high quality products at an affordable price. I think they tried to make too much too soon and went bankrupt.
As for the actual helicopter it was based on the OH-6 Cayuse aka Loach. These first appeared in the Vietnam War. The AH-6 is the armed version with a pair of 7.62mm mini-guns and a pair of 2.75" rocket launchers on each side. They are still making these helicopters. The black color is for use at night.
Part two coming up.
About looks like it could take off, Too bad they went under.
Thank you very much PP. It is unfortunate.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you TheGateKeeper.
Thank you Rick55.
I have 1 little bird and 1 rescue helicopter that were toys r us display models with the I hook through the rotor blade. How collectable are they ?
Good question Dk111. Those come up for sale seldom it is hard to say. The value would probably be about the same as the others. Give it a few years and it may have more of a collectible value.
Thank you, I was told by a friend when I got them that they only made 100 of each type for displays and they were all supposed to be sent back to the manufacturer to be destroyed. The rescue helicopter is hand painted from what I can tell. I was offered a large amount years ago and should have taken it.
I could be wrong about the value. You can put them up for sale online a high price and then go down if they don't sell.