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Enormous Art deco Kralik vase with Frog, Circa 1920-30

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Bohemian Art Glass2146 of 6681Czech Glass - Shape Comparisons Feathered satin glass powder bowl - a mystery
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (915 items)

    Hello Followers, Visitors, Members and Friends from Collectors Weekly, 18-06-2017, 10:00 PM

    Here is another vase from my Kralik collection, a big one, a confused one at the start, but now everyone agree on Kralik for the shape and decor, this one as is original flower frog, quite nice example, very colourful spatter glass with some dark colour coming from down up.

    This vase stand 11 inch tall by 5.75 inch wide.


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    1. MALKEY MALKEY, 8 years ago
      what smashing large piece !!!!!!!! great stuff Alan
    2. IanBrighton IanBrighton, 8 years ago
      I find all these difficult as well but glad to hear you found an ID. I made a lot of mistakes initially and hope they are getting fewer and fewer.
    3. IanBrighton IanBrighton, 8 years ago
      Hard to photograph with that sheen?
    4. Alan2310 Alan2310, 8 years ago
      THANK YOU, MALKEY for this lovely comment again, such a kind friend collector.
      I never realized how big it was until I want to place in the showcase, reorganized again, oh the story of my last few years, LOL

      @Ian, very true, difficulty at the top notch to photograph.

      Many thanks to both of you for commenting and for the love, truly appreciated your support.

    5. TheBigE253 TheBigE253, 8 years ago
      Hello Alan2310, beautiful piece!! I wonder if you could take a look at a post of mine on show and tell. I have a accent vase with the all the details from size to style that leads me to believe its a czech bohemian vintage Fralik piece but I am a new collector and you seem to be very well educated on this subject. Thank you either way for sharing all these awesome pieces of art!!

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