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Antique oil lamp

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1 item)

    My mother loved flea markets and church sales probably got this in cape cod 20 years ago, anyone know anything about this kind of oil lamp?

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    1. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 8 years ago
      It's called a composite lamp which means it is made with many different components unlike an all glass blown or pressed glass lamp. The base is slate, the figurative stem is Spelter (white metal), the collar, burner and clincher are brass and the font and chimney are glass. It was made in the 1880's by the Bradley and Hubbard company. It retains a lot of the original colour on the figurative stem. She sometimes has a name but this one is Bradley and Hubbard's #076B. She appears in the 1883-1884 B & H Catalog. RER
    2. Azcappelli, 8 years ago
      Thank you for the information! I have tried to access this catalogue for more information with no luck! Can you private message me at
    3. Azcappelli, 8 years ago
      It is stamped Queen Anne with a date
    4. SpiritBear, 8 years ago
      The burner is likely a replacement circa the 1910s.
    5. Azcappelli, 8 years ago
      If anyone can help, I have googled every page, no B&H 1883-1884 catalogues for sale, can't even download a copy, Loumanal, seems to have a copy any chance I can get a screenshot of the page #076B? Thanks so much! 602-326-4984
    6. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 8 years ago
      I will upload a photo of your lamp in a new listing in a few minutes. Remember that when you ordered a lamp from B & H in 1883 that you could choose the shape of the base and font to go with your figural metal part so your lamp was ordered and made the way the former owner wanted it. At the back of the catalogue, it shows your options. BOB
    7. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 8 years ago
      The font seems to have been either replaced or re-plastered at one time. It should sit flat as shown in the photos from the catalogue pages that I uploaded. BOB

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