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1919 Medallion

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (7 items)

    Another item from my parents' estate. The metal has a dull gold look to it. The front reads "Genoa to the" then the middle is "Genoa (crossed rifles) W.W.V." The bottom says "May 30 1919". The back simply has "S Mayer" on it. I know this isn't something my Dad got, because he was only 2 years old in 1919! Does anyone have any ideas of what this is or any guesses?? I did find out that W.W.V. could stand for World War Victory, but that doesn't really help me very much!

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    1. pw-collector pw-collector, 8 years ago
      A pocket watch fob that is attached to a leather strap on one end and the watch attached to the other end and carried in a jeans watch pocket.
      There are several shown here:
    2. Davistoni, 8 years ago
      I did find a pocket watch of my Dad's with a leather strap! Wonder if that's the one it was on? Does 1919 indicate the year it was made?
    3. IVAN49 IVAN49, 8 years ago
      I think it`s linked to Genoa, West Virginia
    4. Davistoni, 8 years ago
      If I remembered right, many of my ancestors came from that area. Thank you!
    5. IVAN49 IVAN49, 8 years ago
      On the other hand, possibly ``given to Genoa World War Veterans``
      But it`s not Genoa (Genova) in Italy, must be US, is there another Genoa in US ?
    6. Davistoni, 8 years ago
      Small town in Ark. Not sure of anywhere else.
    7. pw-collector pw-collector, 8 years ago
      U.S.A. Towns/Cities named Genoa:
      Genoa - Wisconsin
      Genoa - West Virginia
      Genoa - Virginia
      Genoa - Texas
      Genoa - South Carolina
      Genoa - Ohio
      Genoa - North Dakota
      Genoa - North Carolina
      Genoa - New York
      Genoa - Nevada
      Genoa - Nebraska
      Genoa - Minnesota
      Genoa - Iowa
      Genoa - Illinois
      Genoa - Florida
      Genoa - Colorado
      Genoa - Arkansas
    8. Davistoni, 8 years ago
      OH my goodness!!! There's probably no way to tell where this particular fob was made huh? Never dreamed there were that many Genoa's in the U.S.A.!
    9. pw-collector pw-collector, 8 years ago
      Leona is in Wayne County West Virigina.
      Here is a link to WWI Veterans who were casualties of Wayne County, WV.:
      This could be a fob created sometime after the war in memory of them.
      Just a guess.
    10. pw-collector pw-collector, 8 years ago
      My spell check changed Geona to Leona.
    11. pw-collector pw-collector, 8 years ago
      S. Mayer, stamped on the back of the fob is the maker of this fob.
      I have a book on fob collecting that shows 557 different fobs, but could not find this one. There were thousands manufactured by hundreds of different makers that were ordered by advertisers, organizations, clubs, politicians, sports, etc.
      I find it a fascinating item to collect.
    12. Davistoni, 8 years ago
      I just looked through the names on the link...didn't see any that looked familiar, but my Mom was the geneology expert, not me! Wow, you looked through all those fobs looking for this one?? Thank you SO much for trying so hard to find it!!

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