Posted 8 years ago
(176 items)
This is not much of anything, but I thought that this was the reason for Mason Jars to be called Ball Jars. I have never seen cap inserts like this before. This one measure's 3.75" and the middle is protruding sort of like a ball. It has a Pat. April 2nd 1895 and another pat. that says Pat. May 28th 1895. I have found dozen's and dozen's of the porcelain inserts that are flat, but this is the only one I found like this. I cannot find any information on this piece, I am probably looking for the wrong thing.
A John Landis Mason, had a patent for a fruit car with a screw top lid in 1858. Ball Brothers Glass Manufacturing Co. had a jar called the Ball Perfect Mason. That's where the Ball comes from! Check out the following website to help date some of your bottles. I use this site frequently. Enjoy!
Thank you bottle-bud!
That is a pickle pusher (to keep the contents submerged in liquid) lid from the Gilchrist Jar Co. The jar would have an interlocking monogram of GJCo embossed on the side. They came in pint, qt, and half gallons. Now you just have to find a jar to top it off! Hope this helps.
Love this lid, beautiful and I have never seen one in real life. Great part of a collection even by itself