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1950's cast iron tape dispenser

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (177 items)

    I found this vintage cast iron Scotch brand green whale tail tape dispenser last weekend at a new found flea market off the beaten path. I'm sure I saw these on store counters when I was a kid. Am always drawn to the past. However, I don't think I'd want to lug this thing around as it weighs several pounds!

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    1. clmason456 clmason456, 8 years ago
      My mom has the same dispenser. It was always a "staple" on the table by the kitchen phone. I love it. Thanks for reminding me of it.
    2. mareredware mareredware, 8 years ago
      elmason456, I feel it was something in my grandpa's workshop. I just know I've seen it before. Thanks for loving it and thanks also to aura, Manikin, vetraio, Anythingobscure, racer4four, Brunswick, fortapache, TassieDevil, mikelv85,and PhilDmorris,
    3. mareredware mareredware, 8 years ago
      thanks for the love americanstationer!
    4. mareredware mareredware, 8 years ago
      thanks for the love to jscott.

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