Posted 8 years ago
(915 items)
Hello Followers, Visitors, Members and Friends from Collectors Weekly, 2-07-2017, 9:00 PM
Here we have i think a very interesting piece of paper, it's a Crie prophecy.,,
I found it many years ago at late GoodWill.
By reading it we realize that those tribe Native American are the wisdom incarnated, after all they always pay respect to nature, pure and simple on any form, ANIMAL, VEGETAL and MINERAL.
There where here thousands of years before the establishment of the white peoples, for sure the ways it go now..... for how long..... WE GONE BE HERE.
Wove paper, 8 inch by 5.50 inch wide.
Love it, We could still learn, They also looked at what they were about to do if it might have ill effect in seven generations they would not do it.
PoliticalPinbacks, you know it's all about MONEY
Many thanks for commenting and for the appréciation.
Maybe if someone wake up, this could be not to late for the kids of our grand children.
I have this in a book of favorite quotes and sayings. I believe with all of our technology and advances...some extremely important values and thoughtful respect for future humans and this planet have been lost. We take much for granted. Another quote, "Only earth and sky last forever". Like you, Alan, I hope we wake up for future generations.
I'm very optimistic about the Earth but very pesimistic about the people.
THANK YOU, mareredware for commenting and the appreciation on this post.
Definitely something to think of... very HOT subject to talk about for sure, now they gone wake up for the future, they still debated, HUMM.
THANK YOU, Ivonne for commenting and your appreciation on this post.
I really like your comment, we know that the Earth suffer many natural disaster over many millennium, but at the time those was Natural, what's happen now is different, like you i am confident the Earth will stand up and hold on, Yeah Peoples is the main issue here, not really trustable.