Posted 8 years ago
(261 items)
This picture has been around for awhile. We got it in a house we bought. To me it looks like it was a picture that someone glued to a fancy board. The picture actually had a signature on it. But half of it was cut off when they put it on the board. Anyone know anything about this? I thought it was neat. I have it hanging on a wall.
Their hats make it seem he has small wings. LOL.
If you back up and really look. .its a donkey face.
Wow-that is weird-I see the donkey face! Never seen another like this :)
Is it saying he's a jack ass lol
I thought he had a cape that opened wings to cover his lady friends at first, the Donkey stands out once you see it, cool image
LOL. And here I'm thinking he's an angel-- it turns out he's an ass!
Hahaha! Spirit bear! Most men are lol..
I'm not sure how old this is.but i know we have had it 25 years. And the house we got it from was a very old couple.
I'd say most people are, period. I prefer the men to the wenches at my work. There's only one nice lady there, and only one mean one who doesn't intend harm by her words/actions! (She's just naturally always rude but doesn't mean to be. LOL).
As for its age, illusions were popular in the late Victorian and Edwardian. But I'm sure you realised this from studying it.
Haha true. . Girls can be so catty..