Posted 8 years ago
(24 items)
Thought I'd put up some pics of my c. 1897 W.W. Kimball reed organ, both the complete instrument and some photos I took during the restoration process. In the restoration photos you see (a) the pallet valves in place prior to installation on the underside of the reed pan (b) left to right the keyboard and coupler mechanism sitting on the back half of the reed pan, after the swell shutters, mutes and dowel rods have been installed. (c) front view of the reed pan, on the side closest to the camera you see the connecting linkages that go between the stop action and the mutes and swell shutters.
Never seen the inside of one.
Thanks for the very cool post Meowman, that's a lovely (and complete with its fancy top, they so often have 'gone missing'...?) instrument and it looks like you've done very nice quality work on it, did you have to repair any cracks in the reed pan before redoing all the pallet facings? I've redone one or two similar organs myself, though I haven't ever owned one of my own. (waiting instead for my *player piano* restoration project to appear one of these days...yes, I'm a glutton for punishment when it comes to such things... <lol>)